Amah Mutsun Room
Amah Mutsun (ah-ma moot-sun)
The Amah Mutsun Tribal Band are the direct descendents of the aboriginal tribal groups whose villages and territories fell under the influence of Missions San Juan Bautista (Mutsun) and Santa Cruz (Awaswas) during the late 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. The Amah Mutsun Land Trust states:
“We are Amah Mutsun, of the lands known to us as Popeloutchom. Home to our four-legged, winged, finned, and plant kin; they have provided us with all that we needed for millennia—we will care for them. Resting place of those that came before us and cradle of those yet to come, they are sacred—we will protect them.”
For more information on the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band and Land Trust, visit their website.
Room #353
Table Seating Capacity: 13
Maximum Capacity: 22
Effective 10/8/2021 the above capacity reflects a 20% decrease in total capacity to remain in compliance of recommended Environmental Health and Safety guidelines for COVID-19.
Media Equipment:
You are advised to contract with Learning Technologies in advance if you will need assistance in setting up and running equipment.
If you have specific questions about the equipment available, contact Bay Tree Conference Staff.